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Weekend of Feb 23-25 Plans - NO FRIDAY TRAINING


Jiminy Peak Race Team Weekly Update - Week 13 Edition

This has turned into an active race weekend with almost all of our groups in action off mountain at some point during the weekend. 

Our plan for the weekend follows:

Friday, February 23

Given the forecast for Friday, we have decided to cancel training for Friday Evening - there will be no training Friday, February 23.

Saturday, February 24

U18: GS RACE at Berkshire East; race day logistics to be sent separately; Any athletes not racing should follow U16 plan.

U16/U14/U12: EARLY LOAD for GS Training on Whirlaway; we will likely have the opportunity to close the race trail for the morning session, but we will all athletes to load the lift when it opens at 830AM for top to bottom GS training on Whirlaway until 11AM; Lunch will be 11-12 and then we will run an afternoon session from 12-2 (likely also on Whrilaway);  Athletes should meet coaches on Whirlaway with GS skis and gear as early as possible

U10/U8: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills 

Sunday, February 25

U18: SL training on Exhibition East; meet coaches at 8:50AM on Exhibition East ready to ski SL gates; SL skis and gear

U16: GS RACE at Catamount; race day logistics to be sent separately

U14: GS RACE at Berkshire East; race day logistics to be sent separately 

U12: GS RACE at Bousquet; race day logistics to be sent separately

U10/U8: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills

Any athletes not racing Sunday should either follow U18 plan or U10 plan; U10s will likely have something set up in Race Arena. 

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